Tuesday, August 12
Wednesday, August 13
Thursday, August 14
Friday, August 15
Saturday, August 16
Sunday, August 17
*These activities are open for anyone to attend. |
Monday, August 11, 2014
Lee White "In View of a Call Schedule"
Hello all, below you will find the schedule for this week, as Leland "Lee" White will be coming In View of a Call!
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
Ryan Bowman Q&A Audio
Tonight we had the pleasure to spend some time with prospective Pastor Ryan Bowman, at a youth pizza party and Q&A Session. Many good questions were asked, and this was an opportunity for the youth to get to know the man who may soon be leading our church, and for him to get to know the youth group at FBCE. Check out the audio from the Q&A Session below!
Monday, May 12, 2014
Final 11th/12th Grade DGroup Recap
We wrapped up our study of “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist” this week. Mr. Crews and Mr. Budde did a great job presenting the material. Hats off to you guys and gals for attending and hanging in there with this important material. We briefly discussed the problem of evil and the moral argument last night and showed how most atheists borrow from a Christian worldview.
Additionally, we introduced some conversational tactics for using when you get in a discussion about faith. Especially when someone else makes a claim against Christianity. The information is taken from an excellent book and study called “Tactics in Defending the Faith” by Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason (www.str.org) We highly recommend this material, the website and his weekly podcasts. We provided the youth with a Tactics Quick Reference Guide card to help them navigate these sorts of conversations.
Basically, remember:
1) Gather information by asking, “What do you mean by that?”
2) Shift the burden of proof by asking, “How did you come to that conclusion?”
3) Lead the person to some important insight: “Have you ever considered…?”
We discussed continuing the “apologetics” discussion through the summer with a weekly movie night. There was interest and I promised I would publish the names of the DVDs here. We can pick an order and the best night to meet together to view, have food and discuss. We even have the option of screening some of these on an outdoor screen. Let me know what night works best for everyone Here are the titles:
1) Metamorphosis—The beauty & design of butterflies (explores intelligent design)
2) Unlocking the Mystery of Life—The Scientific Case for Intelligent design
3) The Privileged Planet—The Search for Purpose in the Universe
4) Darwin’s Dilemma—The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record
5) The Case for Faith—A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity
6) The Case for Christ—A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus
7) The Case for a Creator—A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God
(Wed. nights will not work for me as I will be teaching a Wed. night Bible study for women called “The Thinking Series” which explores apologetics topics. I would like to invite the 11th and 12thgrade young women, and their moms and friends if they are interested, to join me; details to come.) http://www.apologeticscanada.com/conference-2014/thinking-series-2014/
For those of you heading off to college in the fall, be sure to let me know where you will be attending. I can let you know if there is a Ratio Christi Chapter on your campus and if not, we can talk about how to get one started. You can also visit this link to find out where we have chapters.http://ratiochristi.org/chapters
It was a pleasure working with you all. Check the blog even during the summer as I will post apologetics related info I think you should know as needed. Also, be sure to share your resource guides with your family and don’t forget to take them to college.
(If you did not attend D Groups on 5/4 and receive your resource guide, let me know and I will get one to you!)
Monday, April 28, 2014
11th & 12th Grade DGroup Recap
Last night we delved into the deity of Christ. Is Jesus God
or just a great moral teacher? In review, we’ve been dealing with the accuracy
of the New Testament writings. We’ve established that we know they are accurate
and an easy way to remember the evidences are to remember they all start with
“E.” NT writers gave testimony that was early, eyewitness, embarrassing and
excruciating. Secular historians and archeology provide extrabiblical and enemy
testimony. There is actually testimony from the OT as well that would be
considered “expected.” The OT predicted the arrival of a Messiah.
out this One Minute Apologist video on the Trinity.
OT Claims that Christ was the Messiah--Isaiah 42
and 53 predict a servant Messiah and suffering Messiah. These predate Christ by
several hundred years. There are also Messianic passages in Genesis, Jeremiah,
other Isaiah passages, Micah, Malachi and Daniel. Turek notes, “Jesus’ life
serves as the box top for many pieces of the prophetic puzzle found throughout
the Old Testament.”There have been at least 71 OT messianic prophecies
fulfilled by Christ.
Apostles claimed Christ’s deity.
Demons acknowledged that Jesus was God.
Jesus’ claims to be God—direct and indirect--In
one of the most stunning claims of his deity, Jesus uses OT, Jewish wording
that his NT Jewish audience would clearly understand. He referred to himself
as, “I Am.” He also referenced a passage in Daniel about the Son of Man
returning to judge the world with authority given by God. It is popular for
unbelievers these days to say that Jesus didn’t claim to be God. They clearly
have not read the evidence. However, a good question to ask them when they
state this is, “If Jesus didn’t claim to be God, then why was he killed?” His
crucifixion is difficult to explain unless he made that claim. Jesus also made
many indirect claims to be God. He declared his deity implicitly through
parables. He performed miracles. He acted as if he was God through divine
actions. He accepted worship and commended those who acknowledged his deity.
In a famous statement and argument
by C.S. Lewis, Lewis explores three possibilities—namely that Jesus was either
Lord, a liar or a lunatic. Liar and lunatic do not fit the facts of his
life—how he lived and what others thought of him. That leaves us with Lord. We
can also show from our previous study of the evidence that he was not a legend
either. “In light of Jesus’ miraculous deeds, his resurrection, his supreme
conduct and teachings, the prophecies fulfilled, and the fact that he would be
unlikely to die for his own lie, liar and lunatic are eliminated. All of the
evidence points to the fact that he was The Lord.
The Trinity
We also discussed the important, but difficult to
understand, concept of the trinity. We looked at an explanation that avoids
heresies which states that The Trinity is three persons with one nature. And
that Jesus is one person with two natures—both divine and human. The three
“whos” are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All three of those “whos”
have one divine nature. The Son, does not give up his divine nature, but he
adds a human nature when he takes on skin and walks the earth as Jesus.
Some important things to remember about the Trinity: The
Father and the Son are equal in essence but different in function. The Trinity
may be beyond reason, but it’s not against reason. While we can’t comprehend an
infinite God, we can apprehend the Trinity. The Trinity actually helps us
understand how love has existed from all eternity. Tri-unity in the Godhead
solves the problem. To have love, there must be lover (the Father), a loved one
(the Son), and a spirit of love (the Holy Spirit).
(Much of the above is taken directly from Turek/Geisler’s
book “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist.”)
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Monday, April 14, 2014
11th and 12th Grade DGroup Recap
In last night’s class we reviewed some of the same material
that was presented in last week’s “The Case for Easter” simulcast. We
reiterated that if Christ did not rise from the dead, then our study of all
this material is in vain because it makes no difference. The resurrection of
Christ is the linchpin of our faith. (I Cor. 15:12-18).
We took a look at Dr. Gary
Habermas’s work—a world renowned scholar on the resurrection. In reviewing
1,400+ works on the resurrection written from 1975 to 2003, he shows that
virtually all scholars from across the ideological spectrum agree that the following
points are historical facts:
Jesus died by Roman crucifixion.
He was buried, most likely in a private tomb.
Soon afterwards the disciples were discouraged,
bereaved, and despondent, having lost hope.
Jesus’ empty tomb was found empty very soon after
his interment.
The disciples had experiences that they believed
were actual appearances of the risen Jesus.
Due to these experiences, the disciples’ lives
were thoroughly transformed. They were even willing to die for their belief.
The proclamation of the Resurrection took pace
very early, from the beginning of church history.
The disciples’ public testimony and preaching of
the Resurrection took place in the city of Jerusalem, where Jesus had been
crucified and buried shortly before.
The gospel message centered on the preaching of
the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Sunday was the primary day for gathering and
James, the brother of Jesus and a skeptic before
this time, was converted when he believed he also saw the risen Jesus.
Just a few years later, Saul of Tarsus (Paul)
became a Christian believer, due to an experience that he also believed was an
appearance of the risen Jesus.
You can be confident in your belief! And you can share this
with others.
All the theories posited against the resurrection have been
convincingly refuted.
Hallucination Theory—hallucinations aren’t
experienced by groups, he appeared on 12 separate occasions, in a variety of
settings to different people over 40 days, empty tomb
Wrong Tomb Theory—Roman authorities would have
gone to the right one to produce the body; the tomb would have been known by
both the Jews and Romans, doesn’t explain appearances
Swoon or Apparent Death Theory—enemies and
friends believed he was dead, modern doctors believe he actually died, he was
embalmed in 75 pounds of bandages and spices, how could someone as injured and
bleeding as him stayed alive an additional 36 hours and he would have appeared
to them in that manner, how could Jesus have gotten out of the tomb in that
shape, doesn’t explain Paul’s Damascus road experience, non-Christian writers
affirmed his death by crucifixion.
Stolen Body Theory—why would the disciples have
stolen the body in order to get themselves beaten, tortured and martyred?, no
motive or ability to steal it, how would sleeping guards have known or admitted
to sleeping because of the punishment they would have received.
Substitute Body Theory—(offered by many
Muslims), no evidence, assertion occurs 600 years after Jesus’ life
Disciples faith led them to believe in
resurrection—no proof
NT writers copied pagan resurrection myths—NT is
not mythological, doesn’t explain empty tomb/martyrdom/extrabiblical evidence,
no Greek or Roman myths spoke of a resurrection of a monotheistic God, first
real parallel does not appear until 100 years after origin of Christianity.
Remember this: Christian need to put the burden of proof on
skeptics for their alternative theories. A theory is not evidence. Many of the
theories come from a philosophy of anti-supernaturalism. So why don’t all
scholars believe the evidence? A philosophical bias against miracles.
I hope this puts Easter in a new light for you this year.
Here’s your challenge for
this week:
Go to this link and play
the Resurrection game
until you can make it through all eight levels, recording what you get wrong at
each stage. Let me know how many rounds it takes. Easter Candy for those who
give it a try. Least attempts to get it all right wins. See you in two weeks!
Monday, April 7, 2014
11th & 12th grade DGroup Recap
Last night we covered more evidence for the truth and
reliability of the New Testament. As we set out to discover if:
-- we have accurate copies of the original NT documents.
(See last week’s blog for that review.)
--the original NT documents tell the truth.
We can remember the Six E’s of evidence that the NT
is true. (These are the same types of evidence we would look for in any
historical work from antiquity.)
Early Testimony—we know that all or most
of the NT was written before 70 A.D.—so within a 1-2 generations of Christ’s
death. (no time for myth or legend to develop without being debunked.)
Eyewitness Testimony—among other
convincing proofs: 84 historically confirmed eyewitness details in Acts, more
in Luke’s Gospel, 59 historically confirmed or probable details in John, NT
documents have more than 30 people confirmed by secular sources of archaeology.
Embarrassing Testimony—someone making up
a story would not include embarrassing details about themselves; apostles are
portrayed in NT as dimwitted, uncaring, rebuked, cowards and doubters among
other uncomplimentary traits.
Excruciating Testimony—all but one
apostle is thought to have died a martyr’s death. Why would they die for a
known lie? They had nothing to gain by making up this new religion.
Expected Testimony—through reason and
science we know that God exists and created us for a purpose (covered in
earlier sessions); the OT teaches the same and it can be considered reliable
and the OT predicts the Messiah would come; the prophetic details of that
Messiah in the OT are pinpoint accurate in what we see of Jesus in the NT.
Extra-Biblical Testimony—we have 10
ancient non-Christian sources confirming the NT storyline and when you compile
their work you get a story congruent with the NT.
We are able to show through these evidences that the NT is
historically reliable. Therefore:
It is fact, not fiction
If it says Jesus said it, then Jesus really said
If it says Jesus did it, then Jesus really did
Next we will move into evidence for the resurrection (many
of you got a taste for that in the “Case for Easter” simulcast), who Jesus is,
what he taught about the Bible and what that means for us.
My “bribe” from last week still stands. J
Monday, March 31, 2014
Recap of 11th & 12th Grade DGroup 3/30/14
still encourage everyone to go see "God's Not Dead" before it
leaves theaters. If you can tell me what arguments Josh uses for the existence
of God that we have studied in the 11th and 12th grade
DGroups and bring me your ticket stub, I will give you a $5 gift card to the
place of your choice!
forget to invite your friends (skeptics, agnostic, atheist, believer) to this
Sunday night’s special simulcast The Case for Easter with Lee Strobel. You will
learn historical evidence and proof of Jesus’ resurrection—without which our
faith is pointless. The presenters will examine medical evidence, the evidence
of the missing body and the evidence of appearances. You will also most likely
learn about the “minimal facts” argument for the resurrection. This is evidence
that is so good that even skeptical scholars are convinced by it. 1) Jesus was
killed by crucifixion 2) Jesus’ disciples believed that he rose and appeared to
them. 3) The conversion of the church persecutor Paul 4) The conversion of the
skeptic James, Jesus’ half-brother 5) Jesus’ tomb was empty.
week in DGroups we talked about the reliability and accuracy of the New
Testament (NT).
that the NT is 27 separate writings written on scrolls by 9 different writers
over a 20-50 year period. We have none of the original documents. We have
copies of originals called manuscripts. But that is not a problem. All ancient
literature is reconstructed into its original by comparing surviving
manuscripts. The NT blows other ancient literature away in this regard. We have
MORE manuscripts, EARLIER manuscripts and more abundantly SUPPORTED manuscripts
than other writings of antiquity.
is a "RECIPE" for evidence for confidence in the NT:
reconstruction (when we compare all the copies we have extremely reliable
E-Early manuscripts
(copies were written soon after the originals--25 years, next closest ancient
text was 500 years.)
C-Copious copies
(5,300 Greek manuscripts, 10,000 Latin manuscripts of entire NT and 9,300
portions of the NT = over 24,000 manuscripts.)
non-Christian writers affirm it (10 known non-Christian writers mention Jesus
within 150 years of his death. Including the greatest Jewish historian
percentages (of accuracy compared to other ancient texts; 99.5% accurate; .05%
in question does not affect doctrine.)
errors (the "errors" sited are multiplied by the number of
manuscripts so the number of "errors" are inflated and are just
grammatical variants.)
manuscripts (the early church fathers quoted from the NT so many times in their
second and third centuries writings that you could read most of the NT just
from their quotations.)
also know that we have tons of eyewitness accounts in the NT and Luke himself
records 84 facts in the last 16 chapters of Acts that have been confirmed by
historical and archeological research. Overall 140+ eyewitness details and
citing of at least 30 historical figures in the NT attest to its accuracy. The
testimony we have is early, eyewitness and at times embarrassing (meaning, the
writers include stuff they would not have made up because it’s embarrassing to
when people say “The Bible is full of errors because it’s been copied so many
times” you can say with confidence that their statement is false and share with
them the truth.
is no body of ancient literature in the world which enjoys such a wealth of
good textual attestation as the New Testament.” F.F. Bruce, Distinguished
Scholar on the life of Paul, former President of the Society for Old Testament
Study as well as the Society for New Testament Study.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
WNY 3-26
Well, here is the audio from this past WNY, however, like many things, WNY is best enjoyed live, so why don't you join us for WNY THIS WEDNESDAY, April 4th, for fun, friends, and teaching.
Enjoy the audio!!
Enjoy the audio!!
WNY 3-12
Finally, here is the post with the audio from the March 12th Wednesday Night Youth.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Youth parents and students have a unique opportunity this
week—and maybe this week only. There is a movie in theaters that I highly
encourage you to attend. It’s recommended for ages 12 and up. It’s called
“God’s Not Dead.” You can read all about it at their website. But one of the many reasons
I encourage you to see it, in the theaters, is because you will see a college
freshman use apologetics, what we’ve been studying in D Groups, in his defense
of God’s existence before his atheist philosophy professor and the entire
class. He will use many of the arguments we have been, and will be, studying
this semester. You will be encouraged and emboldened. Please see this movie.
Every law has a law-giver.
There is an objective Moral Law.
Therefore, there is a Moral Law-giver.
The Moral law is self-evident and universal.
We explored how without an objective moral standard that
life is meaningless and there’s nothing absolutely right or wrong. Everything
is a matter of opinion/personal preference. We discussed how without the moral
law there’s no difference between the behavior of Mother Teresa and Hitler.
Atheists get themselves in a bind when they claim certain rights and causes.
Without the Moral Law there is no moral ground from which they can argue.
There’s nothing objective grounding right and wrong, for and against. People
suppress the moral law in order to justify what they want to do. “…while
(atheists) may believe in an objective right and wrong, they have no way to
justify such a belief (unless they admit a Moral Law Giver, at which point they
cease being atheists).”
Next we will begin exploring if God has used miracles to
confirm one of the three major theistic religions.
Don’t forget to see the movie. If you want more resources
other than on the movie’s website, you can also see www.ratiochristi.org/gnd.
(All this information is taken from “I Don’t Have Enough
Faith to be an Atheist” by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek.)
Monday, March 10, 2014
Recap of 11th & 12th Grade DGroup 3/9/14
In our study of “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist” we are into the third of the twelve point outline. We have covered 1) that truth about reality is knowable and 2) that the opposite of true is false.We are now in 3) it is true that the theistic God exists and that is evidenced by three major arguments. We have covered the Cosmological Argument (the beginning of the universe) and are now discussing the Teleological Argument/Anthropic Principle which covers the design of the universe and the design of life. We discussed that by simply observing our world, we see evidence for design. Every design had a designer. The universe has a highly complex design. In fact, the universe is tuned just so to support life on Earth. Some of the “universal constants” at work are so precise that they defy a chance explanation: 1) oxygen level 2) atmospheric transparency 3) moon-earth gravitational interaction 4) carbon dioxide level 5) gravity. These point to the universe having a designer.We then talked about the two types of causes (natural and intelligent) and whether or not they could create first life. We learned that Darwinists, Atheists, Humanists, Materialists and Natural Evolutionists all believe that life itself is a product of mindless natural laws. They claim that a one-celled amoeba came together by spontaneous generation and that all biological life evolved from that without intelligent guidance. Yet, with the discovery of DNA, we further see the complexity of life and the specific messaging found in genetic coding. We discussed the Principle of Uniformity stating that causes in the past were like the causes we observe today. Yet spontaneous generation of life has never been observed.Here are two very important quotes to remember from the book:“The creation-evolution debate is not about religion versus science or the Bible versus science—it’s about good science versus bad science. Likewise, it’s not about faith versus reason—it’s aboutreasonable faith versus unreasonable faith.”We also learned that “chance” is not a cause. “Chance is a word that we use to describe mathematical possibilities. It has no power of its own. Chance is nothing…We shouldn’t allow atheists to cover their ignorance with the word “chance.” “Chance” is just another example of the bad science practiced by Darwinists.”Julie LoosAssistant to the President;Director of Prayer & Women's Outreach636-237-8931Defending Truth & Christianity at the UniversityRatio Christi is a global movement that equips university students and faculty to give historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
WNY 3-5
So even though the high schoolers were off at Helping Hands for Serve First, the middle schoolers were still able to hear a message. This one was from Ryan, and is posted below.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Day of Fasting & Prayer
Day of Fasting & Prayer
March 8 -9, 2014
6:00 AM -- 6:00 AM
Jeremiah 29:11
“ If my
people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my
face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will
forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14
· Everyone is encouraged to pick an hour between 6:00 AM, Saturday morning, March 8 and 6:00 AM Sunday morning, March 9 to pray for our church and its leadership during our transition between senior pastors.
· You may pray as individuals, as a family, or as an ABF or other group.
· The primary purpose of the Day of Fasting & Prayer is to pray for our Senior Pastor Search Committee, ALT, Deacons, Staff, and Support Staff. A list of the people serving in these capacities is attached.
· You may use the prayer guide on the opposite side of this page and/or the prayer list from your ABF. A prayer guide for the Guatemala mission trip is attached.
· In addition, February 27 was the national Collegiate Day of Prayer. A list of our college students and their respective campus is attached
· The church auditorium will be available for prayer from 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM on Saturday, March 8. A deacon will be available for security and assistance.
· We are defining fasting as a liquid diet during our 24 hour prayer vigil. You are not being asked to fast, if you have physical issues that are not conducive.
Prayer For:
Senior Pastor Search
ALT, Deacons, & Other
Church Leadership
Church Staff & Support
College Students and their
Guatemala Mission Team and
Un-churched Friends,
Relatives, Work Associates, and Neighbors (FRAN’s)
Personnel & Families
Church Families
Student and
Children/Preschool Ministries
Adult Bible Fellowships and
Sunday School
Church Ministries and
Ministry Teams
Our Missionaries and Mission Trips &
Leaders: Community, State, and Nation
Church Leadership
Werner – Interim Pastor
Ewing – Education/Administration
White – Interim Worship Leader
Tucker – Interim Student Director
Brian Tachick - Youth Intern
Megan Ondr - Youth Intern
Ferrell – Interim Younger Director
West – Interim Older Children’s Director
Pastor Search Committee
Konneman – Chairman
Leonard – Vice Chairman
Shelden – Secretary
Reynolds – Ex-Officio
Rohrer – Ex-Officio
College Students
of Missouri - Columbia
Alex Knipp
Allie Davis
Alex Knipp
Allie Davis
Missouri Baptist University
Ashley Reese
Courtney Knipp
Ethan Brunk
Leah White
Stuart Slates
Nick Price
Missouri State University
David Armstrong
Bethany Fisher
Missouri Baptist University
Ashley Reese
Courtney Knipp
Ethan Brunk
Leah White
Stuart Slates
Nick Price
Missouri State University
David Armstrong
Bethany Fisher
Rob Lowery
St. Louis Community College - Wildwood
Ami Dauster
St. Louis Community College - Wildwood
Ami Dauster
Alex Knipp
Allie Davis
Missouri Baptist University
Ashley Reese
Courtney Knipp
Ethan Brunk
Leah White
Stuart Slates
Nick Price
Missouri State University
David Armstrong
Bethany Fisher
Missouri Baptist University
Ashley Reese
Courtney Knipp
Ethan Brunk
Leah White
Stuart Slates
Nick Price
Missouri State University
David Armstrong
Bethany Fisher
St. Louis Community College - Wildwood
Ami Dauster
Brittany Knipp
Jesse McKenzie
St. Louis Community College - Wildwood
Ami Dauster
Brittany Knipp
Jesse McKenzie
Lindsey Durst
St. Louis Community College - Meramec
Leigh Anne Pool
University of Alabama
Matthew Tucker
Derek Legenzoff
Lindenwood University
Florent Sevrin
University of Notre Dame
Hannah Bliss
Baylor University
Jordan Klein
St. Louis Community College - Meramec
Leigh Anne Pool
University of Alabama
Matthew Tucker
Derek Legenzoff
Lindenwood University
Florent Sevrin
University of Notre Dame
Hannah Bliss
Baylor University
Jordan Klein
Boyce College
Katie Hufstedler
Katie Hufstedler
Logan University
Kevin Powell
Truman State University
Martin Sevrin
Maryville University
Ryan Beike
Saint Louis University
Megan Ondr
Murray State University
Thomas Pool
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Will Loos
Andrew Lakey
University of Evansville
Wyatt Brunk
Taylor University
Kevin Powell
Truman State University
Martin Sevrin
Maryville University
Ryan Beike
Saint Louis University
Megan Ondr
Murray State University
Thomas Pool
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Will Loos
Andrew Lakey
University of Evansville
Wyatt Brunk
Taylor University
Sierra Matthews
Southeast Missouri State University
Davis Wright
of Arkansas
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