Thursday, January 30, 2014


This past Sunday's activity for Youth was bowling! Unfortunately, we can't all be blessed with great bowling skills (I know I personally put several tries in the gutter), but it was still a lot of fun nonetheless. Enjoy some pictures from the event below:

 If you couldn't join us for this activity, there are plenty more opportunities to fellowship with us! Our next activity will be Sunday School on, well, Sunday (Imagine that :)) at 9:00. On Sunday evening we will be joining the youth group at Living Word for their "Shoe"-per bowl party. If you would like to come be sure to bring a gently used pair of shoes, to be donated to the Shoeman Water Project, which turn shoes into clean water for people. For more information on the Shoeman Water Project, click here.

Finally, be sure to follow us on Twitter, and be on the lookout for more posts about our awesome events!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

WNY 1/29

Tonight we had another great Wednesday Night Youth at the White House. After playing some celebrity yearbook photos, and worship, Megan presented our message for tonight. You will find the recording of her message above. Megan spoke about the Gospel, and it's importance in modern life, as well as sharing the truth that, as Christians, we are called to minister to the poor and needy. I encourage you all to listen to her message again, even if you attended WNY, as every time you listen, something new will stand out to you.

That's it for this post, I hope you all have a good rest of the week at school. Good luck on any tests or quizzes; I know my mentor group had several coming up. I hope to see everybody on Sunday!